The 4 Pillars of Catholic Social Teaching | Tyler Hackenberg [PODCAST]
Ben Martinek and Tyler Hackenberg provide an insightful discussion on how Catholic social teaching can be integrated into financial planning and decision-making.
We hear the story of Tyler Hackenberg, a former Westminster Theological Seminary student who is now a Catholic financial advisor located in the greater Philadelphia area. Tyler’s journey to Catholicism started at Vanguard with a client requesting a donation to Planned Parenthood. This request led Tyler to explore Catholic social teaching and recognize the infinite human dignity of the unborn.
Tyler discusses the legacies of St. Katharine Drexel and Dorothy Day. As a financial advisor, Tyler’s practice, Drexel Day Financial, is grounded in the four pillars of Catholic social teaching, human dignity, common good, subsidiarity and solidarity.
Tyler highlights defending the less fortunate by recognizing the wealth in each person regardless of socio-economic status. In his financial practice, Tyler emphasizes making decisions that have a positive impact on the environment and society, as we are all connected as human beings.
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